
Recent Purchases

We've made a couple of exciting purchases recently. Aside from my I-Phone, we've each brought a Kindle. It's an e-book reader, from Amazon, and you can download books straight onto it. It means we don't have to carry around heaps of books wherever we go, because the ones we've brought both here and in America, are all hardbacks, and they're a pain to take on the tube. I think you can have up to 3,000 books on there at any one time, and there are heaps of free books you can download. New releases seem to be between 5-10 pounds each, so much cheaper than in NZ. Though I do think I'm going to miss having a bookshelf full of books.

I also bought a new Ugly Doll. I had to leave my existing Ugly Doll Bitey at home because he wouldn't fit into my suitcase. I was finding it hard to sleep without him, so I've brought a replacement. His name is Ninja Batty Shogun.

Perfect for Halloween.


  1. Thanks for the blog update Hon, love reading your thoughts and seeing your photo's as to where you have been. Keep it up.

  2. Love the ugly doll!!
