
Friday, 10 August 2012

Spending the day on Sveti Klement

We woke up relatively late the day after our arrival in Hvar, I think around 9.00 a.m. Much later than the 6.30 to 7.00 a.m. wake up times from the previous few days! We must have been pretty exhausted after our huge travel day the day before.

We planned to spend the day away from Hvar Town, on the island of Sveti Klement, one of the nearby Pakleni Islands. Sveti Klement is about 20 minutes by taxi boat from Hvar Town, the furtherest away of the islands. 

Most of the other tourists seemed to be going to the islands of Jerolim and Marinkovac, which are both about 10 minutes away, so we headed further out in the hopes of finding a peaceful spot.

Our apartment from the outside

Hvar Town

We strolled along the Hvar waterfront, where there are lots of different taxi boat companies taking tourists to the Islands, and also to beaches around Hvar. We hopped on the one that had the best departure times, both on the way there and back, and off we went.

We arrived to discover that Yacht Week had arrived and set up camp at Sveti Klement. Yacht Week is held throughout June to September, and it's groups of Yacht's filled with Aussies, Kiwi's, Brit's, American's and Canadian's, all young and loud and just getting drunk all the time. Exactly what we had been trying to avoid!

Luckily they seemed to be happy to stay on their boats, so we hopped off the boat onto the island and went off to find Palmizana Beach. It wasn't too busy, especially compared to Hvar, and we wandered along the rocks until we found a nice spot to set up camp.

There were lots of yacht's moored in the harbour, and we just sunbathed for several hours and swam and watched people jumping off their boats.

Bradley hiding from the sun

Snacking on pots of Nutella

Bradley surveying the water

Our boat was scheduled to pick us up at 5.00 p.m., so after having spent a few hours relaxing in the sun, we packed up our things and headed back to Hvar.

On the way back we stopped for some ice-cream. We had really yummy ice-cream throughout our time in Croatia, plus it was super cheap. Only 1 or 2 Euros for huge scoops.

When we arrived back in Hvar Town, it was almost completely deserted. We took the opportunity to explore the town in relative solitude before heading to the supermarket to pick-up some things for dinner.

After dinner we went for a walk along the promenade in front of our apartment and sat on the rocks and watched the sunset. The Hula Hula bar was playing some great music, variations of 80's pop and more recent tracks, so we had a nice soundtrack while we skipped stones and watched the sun go down.

Rocking my super bright t-shirt. The actual colour, it just glows in the dark!


  1. Another good blog, loving the neon tshirt, also good to see you both looking so happy. xxxx

  2. love the tshirt Niki at least Bradley won't loose you.
