
Saturday, 29 October 2011

Joint Holidays

On a recent trip to the very posh King's Road in Chelsea, (which has some great shopping, if it weren't for the snobbish people who shop there) we stopped in at Peter Jones, a huge department store similar to Smith and Caughey's.

Despite it being the middle of October, they had all their Christmas decorations up, and had dedicated an entire floor to Christmas merchandise. The decorations were amazing, similar to the ones we saw in the Galeries Lafayette in Paris at Christmas last year

Lot's of yummy Christmas goodies..

What we did find quite odd, is that they were celebrating two different holidays at the same time. They had both Christmas and Halloween decorations throughout the store. I love both holidays, but I think they should have waited until after Halloween to put up their Christmas decorations! Otherwise it's turned into some kind of weird joint holiday celebration.


  1. lovely photos of Christmas where has this year gone?

  2. Wonderful Decorations,they look awesome..
