
Monday, 11 April 2011

Kapow Comic Con

Woot, finally I get to have turn on our blog and do some writing! And it's about giant geek stuff! Yep, last Saturday I went along to a little thing called Kapow! Comic Con. I've been sitting on this ticket since Christmas, and have been hanging out for my first "proper" convention experience for awhile.

Weird thing was, if you took away all the movie panels and big announcements, and major film, TV, and comic book stars... actually, the more I think about it, this is exactly what sets it apart from Armageddon back home.

Yes, this really exists...

Spent a bit of time watching a handful of artists work their craft. This is a sketch of Magneto by Sean Campbell, an artist who is best known for his work on dark, noir/crime comics like CRIMINAL or SLEEPER. Started off pencils and markers, before finishing it off in watercolours. Very cool to see him go from a blank page to this.

There were quite a few cosplayers wandering around the floor, and they were all very happy to pose for photos. Above is a group of DC heroes and villains including Robin, Blue Beetle, Red Robin, Flash, Two Face, Harley Quinn, Riddler, Penguin and a Green Lantern...

Ramona Flowers from Scott Pilgrim. Very cool.

Just chilling with Derby Shutout and Kit Kat Power of the London Rockin Rollers.

Check out the Eagle Vs Shark badge = D

Dressed to kill, and promoting indie film production company Scruffy Bear.

I think the photo-bomber actually enhances this photo greatly...

These are the only Steampunk girls ladies I could find on the day = (

I had a pretty cool day overall. Spent a lot of time just wandering around the floor. Flipping through the back issue bins, and checking out Artists Alley were the highlights for me. Definitely not my last con...


  1. You are really such a geek, but in a nice way. Glad you had an awesome day and you lucky Niki let you on the blog. xxx

  2. Where's your costume Bradley?!!

  3. Yeah, next time I'm definitely going in costume = )
