
Saturday, 30 April 2011

Edinburgh Zoo

On Sunday morning we went to the Zoo. We were excited because we haven't been to the Zoo in ages.

Edinburgh Zoo is supposed to be one of the best in the world, but I still think Auckland Zoo is better! The animals have more room to run around.

The Zoo is on a hillside, a bit like Wellington Zoo. So there was a lot of uphill walking, it meant there were some amazing views up the top though.

Edinburgh Zoo does have a pretty huge Penguin population. They were all sitting on their eggs when we were there. They have so many, there must have been over 50 Penguins.

Stay still so I can get a photo!

That's enough Penguin's for now... let's move onto some other animals.

Kune Kune pigs! But mostly the amazing view.

 Baby Zebra's!

This Koala refused to show its face

My feet were really sore at this point!

Flamingo's are so posh and snobby!

The sea-lion on the right is 15 years old!

Edinburgh Zoo is getting some Giant Panda's sometime this year, so we'll have to go back and see them.

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