
Saturday, 5 November 2011

Remember Remember the Fifth of November...

So we spent our actual Guy Fawkes day at home, spying on our neighbours awesome fireworks. The good thing about living in Chiswick is that the neighbours are rich and can afford good quality fireworks! Plus, they don't seem to have banned any of the ones that have been banned in New Zealand, so that's a plus too! Most of the ones around our neighbourhood seem to be those huge booming ones that always scare Piper under our bed at home, and are enough to make me jump every-time we hear them too.

We did however go and see a huge fireworks display on the Thursday before Guy Fawkes. There was a free display at the Chiswick Business Park down the road so we decided to go along. Apparently it gets better and better every year, and it's one of the best displays in West London.

It had been torrential raining all day, but it cleared up about half an hour before the fireworks began. The fireworks were amazing, probably some of the best we've ever seen, including the ones at Disneyland! A bit hard to capture on my camera, but I promise you they were spectacular.

Hope everyone had a fun Guy Fawkes weekend :)

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