
Friday, 18 November 2011

Lost in Venice

We spent three lovely nights in Venice over the weekend. Italy is fast becoming our most visited country, though being in Venice is vastly different to anywhere else in Italy. I'd more likely to compare it to Bruges, with it being so small and with canals everywhere.

We picked a great time to visit, the weather was beautiful and sunny all three days we were there, though colder than London. It wasn't as busy as it apparently is normally, as November is the off season. It is also one of the most common months to experience Acqua Alta, when the tides rise too high and flood the city. So we were lucky to have no rain or any flooding at all, though seeing Piazza San Marco flooded would have been amazing.

We arrived in Venice just after lunchtime. We had a very early flight departing London at 8.30 a.m., so we had to be at the airport at 6.30 a.m. Just like with Greece I got no sleep the night before, so I was exhausted. I was almost falling asleep over breakfast at Gatwick Airport.

We caught the airport bus from Marco Polo airport to Venice, and decided to walk to our B&B. We were staying fairly close to the famous Rialto Bridge, and Google maps told me it should only take 20 minutes to walk there. We eventually arrived more than an hour later, after going the complete wrong direction and getting ridiculously lost. They say you should get lost in Venice, that this is the best way to experience the city, but I would have preferred to not do this while carrying our weekend bags! (OK, so Bradley carried the bags.)

We eventually figured out the right way, and checked into the lovely Ca' Barba B&B. The owner gave us an iPad to use during our stay, which Bradley was VERY excited about, since he really wants to buy one.  Our room was lovely, and had a power shower, but we were only staying in that room one night before moving upstairs to a room with a jacuzzi bath!

After dropping off our things, we went straight back out to explore Venice. We took the B&B owner's advice and just decided to wander the streets. Venice is so well sign posted, that while you may think you're lost, it's pretty easy to find your way to Piazza San Marco or the Rialto Bridge, you just have to look up, and there's always a yellow or white sign pointing the way. There was also heaps of helpful signs that people have just done with spray-paint.

The view from the end of the street where we were staying

The Rialto Bridge

Venice is so easy to just wander round, we managed to see pretty much all of it during the three days we were there, but there was still so much more to see. You definitely get the best experience, and see the most on foot. So we made sure to take good walking shoes!

We also did not partake in a Gondola ride during our time in the city. It was mostly Asian tourists, and with the Gondola's crashing into each other, and other tourists taking photos of them, it was the least romantic thing I had ever seen. Also they charge approximately €80 for 40 minutes. That is not a price I want to be paying!

These creepy figures were everywhere. I don't think I'd like to stumble across one in the dark..

We stopped for a lunch of delicious sandwiches and red wine, followed by an espresso. I was getting very tired by this point, and definitely needed a pick me up!

A much needed espresso!

Venice Street Art

After strolling around the gorgeous streets of Venice, we had a relatively early night. Brought on by my almost fainting in the street out of sheer tiredness! Some things Coke and Espresso just can't fix, so it was off back to the B&B to go to bed.

Venice is lovely at night-time. It's not really a party city, most bars and restaurants close well before midnight, and all the day trippers go home or back to their cruise ships, so the streets are almost deserted away from the touristy areas. It made a nice change from the madness of the daytime.

1 comment:

  1. I agree Venice was certainly one of our favourites.
