
Thursday, 14 July 2011

Tourist Adventures in London

A few weeks ago we spent our Sunday doing touristy things around London. We went to the Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace, then wandered around Whitehall and Westminster, and finally ended up in Hyde Park.

We found the Changing of the Guard pretty underwhelming actually, there were heaps of people everywhere and I think we were expecting it to be a bit more exciting. We're hoping to go to the one at Windsor Castle sometime in the next couple of months, I've heard that one's supposed to be better.

Afterwards we went for a walk in St James's Park where we saw lots of baby ducks and goslings, and heaps of squirrels everywhere. St James's Park is definitely the place to go if you want to see animals and feed squirrels!

We continued our stroll over to the Cavalry Museum and Downing Street. We then headed over to Clarence House hoping to get a photo with a guard, but there was none there! We got a photo of ourselves pretending to be guards anyway.

Admiralty House and The Cavalry Museum

We ended our day by wandering through Piccadilly Circus and past the Hard Rock Cafe to Hyde Park. It was a bit of a random weather day, it kept raining, then getting really sunny, then it was hot and then it was cold! Very frustrating. It's so hard to figure out what to wear in London at the moment, you literally have to carry an umbrella and jacket with you everywhere.

Entrance Gates to Hyde Park

Jelly Baby Family in Marble Arch


  1. what a fun way to see London.

  2. I am so looking forward to seeing all those sites when we are there next year,just hope the weather behaves for us.You guys are certainly getting around alot.
