
Monday, 27 June 2011

Tuscany - Castellina in Chianti

To be honest, we never really planned to go to Castellina in Chianti. We stumbled across it after spending an hour and a half driving up winding roads through the mountains, with me getting very car sick and both of us getting very irritable at the GPS for taking us such a long and random route!

We were on our way to San Gimignano, which is actually about 2 hours away from Arezzo. So I knew we had a bit of a drive ahead of us, but then the GPS took us such an odd way, that the drive was turning into over 2 and a half hours! It was not fun to spend a lovely hot day stuck in the car. Plus it's really hard and super scary doing a 3 point turn on very windy roads when you cant see what's coming around the corner. Luckily Italian's are so nice and don't seem to mind waiting while I'm standing in the middle of the road directing Bradley in the car!

So we'd just about reached the end of our rope when we came across this lovely little town in the mountains of Chianti. It's so tiny, you can literally walk from end to end in like 10 minutes. We only stayed for about an hour, but it was a good break from driving and we were able to continue our drive to San Gimignano in a much calmer frame of mind!

The amazing pottery in Tuscany, really wish we could have brought some back with us.

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