
Christmas Lights on the Kings Road

We spent this weekend doing some rather uneventful things. We're off to Venice next weekend so we thought we'd just relax and catch up on a few things this weekend.

We had lunch at the yummy Japanese restaurant across the road from us, we both got the 'Special' sushi set, which means we had no idea what we were going to get. Everything was delicious... except the Octopus which still had its suckers on and looked unappetising! Needless to say I didn't try it, but Bradley (who is much braver then me) reported back that it was too chewy and tasteless. SO glad I gave that a miss!

We had a wander around Chelsea on Saturday afternoon, because I wanted to get some new winter boots I'd been looking at for ages, and discovered the King's Road has put up all their Christmas Lights. Peter Jones has decorated their entire store with lights, it's pretty dazzling to look at.

The Oxford Circus lights have been turned on now too, so we'll have to take a wander down there sometime to check them out. Perhaps one day after work when it's not insanely filled with people. Am not at all a fan of Oxford Circus. It would be like if all of Auckland was walking down Queen St at the same time. Plus one million more people. I'll save my shopping for the huge Westfield down the road thanks, who are actually turning on their Christmas lights tomorrow. And they have none other than Justin Bieber throwing the switch. I can hardly contain my excitement (only half being sarcastic there, his Christmas song is very catchy!)

If you can believe it, it was only 5.30 p.m. when these photos were taken. It gets dark at 4.30 p.m. in the afternoon now. Winter is coming...

The Peter Jones window looks super cosy. I can just imagine sitting there with a good book and a hot chocolate

We saw these hilarious Christmas onesies at Primark. Such a bargain for £12!

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