
Bed-bound on Halloween

I spent most of last weekend in bed sick with a cold, so we didn't get up to much except catching up on TV shows like Nikita and The Vampire Diaries and eating gingerbread and Halloween chocolates!

On Thursday I spent the day at home because I was too sick to go in to work. Unfortunately it was my turn to provide morning tea at work on Friday, so I had to pull myself out of bed long enough to go to the supermarket and buy ingredients to make scones... I didn't really HAVE to do this, I could have brought something and taken that in. But I had promised to make something homemade and I possibly do not make great decisions when I'm sick.

So I ended up making three batches of scones. The first was with the recipe from The Edmond's Cookbook, which did not turn out well at all.. the second and third batches were with my Uncle Len's recipe, which uses almost 400ml of cream in the mixture!

These turned out way better, and were much appreciated by everyone at work. Though I did get told off by Bradley when he got home, and sent to bed while he made the third batch.

The second batch

The view for most of my weekend

Yummy headless gingerbread men and hot coffee

We did manage to leave the house one time on Sunday afternoon, so we didn't  go too stir crazy inside. We went for a wander through the Autumn leaves in Turnham Green Park. So pretty to see all the different reds and oranges everywhere, in a few weeks it will be covered in snow!

Wrapped up warm in my coat and gumboots

We grabbed some chocolates at the last minute on Monday night in case we had any trick or treaters... we only got three lots, and the first two we had to turn away because we hadn't got lollies yet! 

You can probably guess who ended up eating the remainder of the chocolates...

1 comment:

  1. Take care of yourselves with the colder weather coming.
