
Munich - Day One

We spent the past long weekend in Munich. We were lucky to get two long weekends in a row thanks to the Royal Wedding. We were a bit disappointed not to be in London for the wedding, the atmosphere leading up to the day was amazing, but a four day weekend was too good to pass up for travel.

We arrived in Munich in the early afternoon on Friday. When we arrived, the Royal Wedding was playing on every single TV in the airport, and there were crowds of people around just watching. When we arrived at the hotel, we discovered it was on every single channel. So we spent our first hour in Munich in our hotel room watching TV!

Our hotel was right in the centre of the city, across from the main train station. This was such a great location, since we planned on doing a couple of day trips so we only had to walk across the road.

It was really sunny, and pretty warm, so we just wandered round the city for the rest of the afternoon taking in the city. There's a big food market in the centre of town, off the main shopping street, The Marienplatz. It had really yummy Bratwurst and Pommes Frites, and a big beer garden in the middle.

We missed the Glockenspiel actually performing the entire time we were there, so that was a shame. But it was still really impressive without the performance, and I'm sure there's a video on You Tube we can watch!

Everyone in Munich was really friendly, and the lady at the hotel said that she thought I looked German. Interesting.

Munich Airport


Yummy Bratwurst at the Viktualienmarkt

Beer on the go!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you missed the Glockenspiel it is great to watch.
