
Saturday, 30 October 2010

Recent Events

We've been pretty bad in updating our blog recently due to moving into our new house, and then the dramas that came with that. After moving in we discovered that mold or something else in the house was making us really sick, I've had trouble with my asthma and it's like we've both had a persistent cold for the last 2 weeks, with sore throats and runny noses. It's gross. 

So we're currently looking for another place to live, so far it hasn't been successful, but we want to make sure we move somewhere clean and where we will be happy, and not have to move soon after moving in.

Hopefully we'll find somewhere soon as it's making us pretty depressed :(

The good news is, I have a full time job finally! It's doing Credit Control which is different to anything I've done before, but everyone at the company seems nice, so hopefully everything goes fine.

Bradley's still looking for a permanent job, he's going to call some more agencies next week, since the one he's with is pretty slack. They keep calling him saying they have work and they'll get back to him the same day with the details, and then they never call back. It's so frustrating thinking you'll get work that day, and then waiting round and not having any!

There's not a lot of jobs around at the moment, lots of people are applying for every job that becomes available, but I'm sure it won't be too long before he finds something.

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